06 July 2007

A National Crisis...one of many.

Certainly folks can see the difference between a health issue revolving around bad eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle...which is passed on to the children...which is fueling a crisis in this country (and much of the world)...and someone who is 'pleasingly plump', so to speak. There are very skinny, unhealthy people...with meth addictions, alcohol addictions, and eating disorders...who would not be good candidates as adoptive parents either. This is not a body image issue...this is a national health issue. I am in favor of a national health care system...and am working towards that. But with that comes responsibility for our own health through our eating habits, drug use (prescription and non), alcohol use, smoking, etc...We live in a society which is in crisis, in so many ways...it is both socially and personally responsible to take good care of ourselves and our families...and by extension, our communities. We are living on a physical plane...we experience life through our senses and bodies...I certainly would like to make my experiences, and those of my grandchildren, active and reality based, tasting the true fruits of nature. Numbing ourselves through addictions, of any type, makes our experience here on earth a haze...shrouded in unreality. Sitting on the couch watching the outdoor channel about kayaking down a wild river, is not kayaking down a wild river. Watching the Home and Gardening channel is not the act of gardening. Reading about what natural foods are best for us, falls by the wayside when we drive through Mickey Dees. And as others have pointed out...it's not just what you eat...but what is eating you. Now, if some of you take this as proselytizing or being sanctimonious...so be it.

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Paradoxically, the shut-down of the AMOC and the resulting cooling of Europe will be the best proof of global warming.

As TS Eliot said in The Hollow Men,  "  This is the way the world ends     Not with a bang but a whimper" We know not what changes...