26 December 2013

To make a Lord of The Ring's reference

Understand the nature of Sauron's power and see that the key to his power is the One Ring. Rather than fight Sauron directly, or try to wield The Ring's corrupting influence, seek to remove the source of Sauron's power. Seek to destroy the privilege granted by governments to corporations, seek to destroy the One Ring.

If government had no deals and privileges to dole out to the well connected then couldn't a free and fair market occur? So, we must destroy the One Ring and only a union of Occupy Wall Street, The Tea Parties, Independents, and Libertarians, (and even Democrats and Republicans) can make it happen. Unite! Destroy the One Ring. Honor the Earth.

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Paradoxically, the shut-down of the AMOC and the resulting cooling of Europe will be the best proof of global warming.

As TS Eliot said in The Hollow Men,  "  This is the way the world ends     Not with a bang but a whimper" We know not what changes...