23 March 2006

Banana Republicans

Adventures in Amnesia "But presidente Bushismo...we can't just keep raising the debt ceiling higher. Our foreign investors will freak out!" "Where do you see the highest ceilings, peon? In the swankiest hotels. I want swanky hotels." "Excellent reasoning, el presidente. Visionary! But if I may respectfully point out, we're trying to fit ten kilos of mangoes in a five kilo sack and..." "Don't be a moron! You just cut a hole in the sack! See? Now we've created a "supplemental" sack that lets us pile in more mangoes!" "Brilliant, sir! But with all due respect, we've got a budget situation here where we're essentially trying to feed a nation with five loaves of bread and a coupla fish!" "If you give all the food to the rich, and just let them eat, the magic of the market will multiply the bread and fishes, until there's more than enough for everyone!" "Okay, el presidente. I admire your optimism, sir, but let's not pretend we can make a silk purse from a sow's ear." "The liberal media won't show you all the silk purses we're making from sows' ears" "Ummm...Right you are, sir...but, uh, our sow's ear sweatshop workers, sir...we can't squeeze blood from turnips." "Enough of your defeatism! With a big enough military, you can get blood flowing out of anything!" (thanks to kirk anderson)

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  Let's face it. This nation was not built on love and hope and equality, it was forged from blood, oil, extraction, genocide, slavery,...