08 December 2011

Globally, the average temperature is rising...which melts glaciers and polar ice caps, which throws fresh water into sea waters, impeding the flow of the two great heat pumps of the world...The Japanese Current and The Gulf of Mexico current...which creates more volatility and colder temperatures in northern latitudes, especially near those currents.

Global warming is true, but because newscasters portray snowy winters or cold conditions as a repudiation...(not understanding the science)...more people are using the term Global Climate Change.

More than 70 percent of the world's population lives on coastal plains, and 11 of the world's 15 largest cities are on the coastal estuaries. Over the 20th century sea levels rose between 10 and 20 centimetres (4-8 inches).

It's worth keeping in mind that changes in sea level do not occur uniformly around the globe. There is actually a fair amount of difference in sea level rise in different parts of the world due to ocean circulation and wind pressure patterns. The effects of storm surges and spring tides need to also be kept in mind when evaluating sea level rise impacts.

Between the Greenland ice sheet and the Western Antarctic ice sheet the world could well be facing a 13 metre (43 foot) rise in sea level if we do not drastically curb our greenhouse gas emissions.

Rising oceans will contaminate both surface and underground fresh water supplies. - worsening the world's existing fresh water shortage. Underground water sources in Thailand, Israel, China, Vietnam and some island states are already experiencing salt water contamination.

Rural populations and farmland (especially rice) on some coasts will be wiped out. For example, according to the UK Royal Society a one metre sea level rise could flood 17 percent of Bangladesh, one of the world's poorest countries, displacing tens of millions of people and reducing its rice-farming land by 50 percent.

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