11 December 2007

It warmed up enough to wear shorts today. And Little Blackears came to the door to see if her cat friend, Pogo, would come out and play.


Tanya said...

*sigh* I just came by your blog from the homestead.org site, diversion from a job that sent out an email saying today that for the mandatory holiday party tomorrow (yes, tomorrow) we should bring in gender-neutral gifts worth $10-20 dollars. I'm sure you can pick out all the things that are wrong with this job, but luckily your blog reminds me that I'm working at it for a reason. Good to keep the goal in site.
Thanks for the inspiration.

lostinthewoods said...

Along the path you'll find many branches...the one less traveled isn't always the best one at the time...sometimes it just leads to a dead end...or some guy pounding endlessly on a different drum.

Keep your goal in site, Tanya...and stop by often...


  Let's face it. This nation was not built on love and hope and equality, it was forged from blood, oil, extraction, genocide, slavery,...